September 9, 2021 - One decade... be present.

It’s been a decade since I got sick. I didn’t know then, that night, that my life was dramatically changed. I’ve done therapies, and they’ve...

January 24th, 2019 Challenge but not overwhelm

I've been thinking about doing this sign, decided it was time...

Anxiety exposure = extreme weather
I can't control weather - accommodate is necessary, do the best I can

Anxiety exposure = exploring volunteer options
1 step at a time, it's a process

Challenging myself is hard, my Anxiety's telling me not to... but I remind myself that if I don't succeed, I won't be any worse off, & I can learn from ANY experience - good, bad, & in between... AND maybe I will have some success... 

My goal can't be to avoid/eliminate ALL symptoms - including ALL Anxiety... I have to tolerate some discomfort... sucks, but true.

Recent months have shown me I CAN accommodate, & I CAN have some successes.

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