September 9, 2021 - One decade... be present.

It’s been a decade since I got sick. I didn’t know then, that night, that my life was dramatically changed. I’ve done therapies, and they’ve...

February 4th 2015 What it all feels like to me

I've written about wanting people to be familiar with the term "vestibular", but prior to getting sick, I don't remember if *I* was familiar with the word, and I don't think I knew anything about the vestibular system.  I had experienced temporary dizziness in various situations, as well as headaches, and definitely had heard of migraines, but I didn't know about MAV.  As far as my eyes were concerned, I knew about vision diseases, but other than people needing glasses for near or far, I knew nothing about vision disorders.  I think a lot of people who know me still get pretty confused about what I'm dealing with.

There are an incredible number of different disorders, and symptoms that go under the umbrella term "vestibular."  This is one reason, I think, why people so often post on FB "do you experience (fill in the blank)?", "has anyone else had (fill in the blank) happen to them?".  I've also had questions from people asking me if I've heard of (fill in the blank) because I have a vision disorder.  I don't object to the question, but it shows how many different problems there can be, and the complexity of these systems in our bodies. 

I've used the term invisible disorders a lot, because all of these terms/disorders are invisible.  Many people with vestibular disorders have combo diagnoses, possibly one thing resulting from the other.  Many people have heard of Meniere's Disease, migraines, and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), but there's a lot of other diagnoses that fall under the term "vestibular."  A vestibular disorder technically means you have a problem with the system in your inner ear, even if you don't actually FEEL it in your ear. The word vestibular, if you Google it, which I did, originally came from the word "vestibule,"  which is a sort of inner room.  Once upon a time, the inner ear was described this way, and the word vestibular, which refers to this "inner room" came about.  If you look up the word "vertigo"  the meaning refers to dizziness, but in the medical community vertigo refers to disequilibrium, being off balance.

In addition, if you do an online search, vestibular and balance disorders have separate definitions, and so does vertigo.  By definition, a balance disorder means you have some trouble with balance.  There are lots of reasons for balance problems; balance disorder to me is another huge umbrella term.  There are lots of different vision disorders, many of which can affect balance. It's very difficult to find info online about my vision disorders in adults; I haven't found anything useful to date.  This surprises and frustrates me, because although I know my vision disorder is much less common than MAV, I know there are other people  out there (I'm not my doctors' only patient!), and vision plays a huge part in balance. 

A little background now about what I know about what happened to me that resulted in my vestibular (MAV) and vision disorders.  I didn't suffer any injuries, don't have any nerve damage, nor did I have a virus that caused my invisible disorders.  My migraine condition is due to a combination of hereditary factors, and hormone changes due to menopause.  Regarding vision, I'm pretty sure I had undiagnosed Convergence Insufficiency (CI) as a kid.  This has nothing to do with focusing; basically it means that my eyes don't coordinate properly in sending messages to my brain.  My CI got greatly aggravated and complicated, which is why it's really more involved than CI, by prolonged undiagnosed balance/dizziness troubles in 2011. 

I don't know if there is a "typical" MAV experience; sensory overload (i.e. lights, noise) is the main reason I might have balance troubles at this point.  In terms of actual migraines my condition, though not gone is vastly better than it used to be, thanks in large part to my diet and proper rest.   I think my Feldenkrais therapy also helps.  MAV is a fairly common Dx;  there are classic symptoms, that you can find on the MAV info page on the VEDA site but everyone is also individual, and has their own unique symptoms, experience.  To me, this means you have to get to know yourself, and how your condition affects you. 

I haven't talked much here about the specifics of how my vision disorder is affected, what gives me trouble.  It's harder to explain than MAV, besides some fairly obvious stuff like movement and driving.  When someone is with me, they can ask me a question, and people can ask me online for that matter.  I'm learning that I need to give basic explanations, rather than presuming that people get what I experience.  Especially since I don't LOOK like there's anything wrong.  Of course, that's the idea behind calling my vision disorder an invisible disorder, isn't it? 

For me, feeling off balance/disequilibrium and being dizzy (technically vertigo) are not, in my experience, the exact same thing.  They don't FEEL the same to me; I can feel off balance without feeling full blown dizzy.  It's hard to pick it apart, but I FEEL like my vision disorder impacts my equilibrium more at this point than my MAV does.  Of course, that's also because of choices or decisions I make in the management department.  That said, although the diagnoses for my disorders are very distinct, how I (or anyone) experience them really isn't nearly as distinct as the labels make them sound.  I think most vestibular/invisible disorders, in my case vision and MAV, cause overlapping symptoms; one problem affects another because the systems are all connected, related.   Messages are traveling through nerves to brain to other parts and back again.

I remember early in my quest for a diagnosis, during a conversation with an uncle of mine, he commented that vertigo is hard to diagnose because it can be caused by so many things.   What we didn't talk about is how frequently more than one thing is causing the vertigo and/or balance problems, and based on what I've seen online, this happens to a lot of people.  There is research being done, and there are tests being developed, which is good because it all points towards getting quicker, more accurate diagnoses.  But we have to remember that labels can be very broad, and don't always accurately reflect individual symptoms, how we the patients feel.  If I hadn't paid attention to what I was experiencing, how I was feeling, talked to my Feldenkrais therapist, and realized SOMETHING else was going on besides MAV, I wouldn't be doing vision therapy now.  It's so important, I think, to be aware of everything, really listen to your body.  My inner ear may technically be my vestibular system, but it's not even close to the whole story for how my body achieves, or doesn't achieve balance. 

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4 Responses to February 4th 2015 What it all feels like to me

  1. wonderful explanation so many people cant understand what we go through with vestibular disorders. its a bit of a fuzzy area mine is called vestibular migraines with MAV I seem to have copped the full spectrum it has taken me two years to get to a fairly stable position but if I try to do too much all bets are off and Im nearly back at the beginning again.

    1. thank you! for me the key has been to build up gradually - which isn't always easy to do.... we all just have to do the best we can!

    2. Any tips to build up gradually? I tend to get too excited that I'm feeling well and end up over doing it and getting a migraine. Then I want to stay in bed for days and I get depressed and don't want to do anything. Then I have what I learned recently is called decompensation. It's like my brain forgets all the training I've taught it and I have to do vestibular therapy (at home) all over again. I'm wondering if the Provigil (modafinil) I've been taking might be a bad thing. It really helps me out of my depressed funk and helps me out of my vertigo brain fog. I can think straight and get things done. I feel so good that I don't want to stop. I ignore the signs of a migraine coming on because I'm so happy that I'm getting things done and not feeling useless/worthless. Not sure if this made sense. Just stream of consciousness writing.

  2. Hi Lisa - I just saw your comment.... I've heard of provigil, and I know it can be really helpful, but it sounds like it's giving you false readings of how you are doing... I think you might benefit from doing some body awareness stuff - like breathing, or meditating - so you learn to pay attn to signals that you're over-doing it.... it can be really hard to stop when you feel good, but remind yourself that you will pay a price... that's what I always tell myself re my pacing and planning - I've written about that, if you'd like to take a look... building up gradually could be taking slightly longer walks, doing something for a few minutes more - think baby steps!!! hope this helps... feel free to pm me on my VPIP FB page :-)


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