I can read brief sentences, and do a
bit better with my own writing - comprehension's easier because I know what I
said - but reading is still a major challenge.
So, I rely heavily on these tools -
1) Google Translate - you copy and
paste text in - up to 5000 characters now, and click on the speaker icon...
it's a computer voice, but improved even over 5 years ago.
2) Audible.com - this is thru Amazon
- there's a $14.95 monthly fee, but you get credits, so I've never paid more
than my monthly fee, because I've only needed my credits for the books I've gotten... I listen to these on my iPad.
3) Talking Books - http://www.ilbph.org/
- this is the link for Illinois, but it's available nationally... I needed a
doctor's note when I first got this, not sure if you still do, but worth it -
loads of great books, all used on a really easy, special Talking Books
Player... Wonderful readers - many are not names you'll hear about in the media,
but they do a fantastic job!
4) choice magazine listening - http://www.choicemagazinelistening.org/
Another one I needed a note for, but
worth it - I get a cartridge, which I use in my Talking Books Player, 4 times a
year... poems, fiction, all kinds of articles from different publications - I
never like everything, but I always really like/find interesting a lot...
again, wonderful narrators!
5) I use Dragon
NaturallySpeaking - a voice recognition computer software program which I had to purchase, but
well worth it... I use a combo of keyboard and the software program to write...
I wear a headset with mic and earphones, and it's learned my voice... takes
some practice to get used to it, but worth it!
6) sometimes Ron reads to me :-)
6) sometimes Ron reads to me :-)