September 9, 2021 - One decade... be present.

It’s been a decade since I got sick. I didn’t know then, that night, that my life was dramatically changed. I’ve done therapies, and they’ve...

October 3rd, 2018 Re-learning, feeling anxious, keeping going

When I worked with Karen, in between Dr. Glad, and Christina (CBT), I did phone sessions, and basically crawled into a hole of depression... now I'm using phone sessions with Christina so I can go OUT - that's a positive change.
BUT, kind of scary.

The only way to do bite-size socializing is phone calls... going out doesn't feel like it can be bite-size... there ARE degrees of challenge - time of day, length of car ride, # of people, whether food is involved, what special planning I have to do.

I was out last night, and I'm glad I did it, but it was exhausting... there's no way to know EXACTLY what I'll have to deal with, and I realized that YES, I get anxious! And it's very uncomfortable - I don't like it.  Part of me REALLY wants to be that person who crawls into a safe little hole, but I know it's not a healthy, good place to be. 

I need to practice this - I never would have guessed that going out, socializing would be worry exposure - but it totally is!  I ALSO need to talk with Christina about how to handle some Qs - not profound questions, basic ones - "how are you?", "what have you been up to?".  The wheels turn in my head "what do they know about me, what do they really want to know?".  When I'm NOT there, I think, "OK, talk about pets, talk about your daughters...".

In the moment, there's so much to process - I'm working on OTHER stuff I never did before - vestibular and visual stuff, and oh yeah, anxiety.  But the bottom line is, I don't REALLY want to go back into that hole.

There's a lot to relearn - visual, vestibular, social. I remember Christina saying that eventually the anxiety becomes less, and I have a feeling that that will allow my brain to work better. SO, I've gotta keep going.

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