September 9, 2021 - One decade... be present.

It’s been a decade since I got sick. I didn’t know then, that night, that my life was dramatically changed. I’ve done therapies, and they’ve...

September 24th, 2018 Giving space to anger

As September comes to an end, I've realized some things -

1) waking up - I'm angry that I can't wake up and be healthy. I woke up sick, but it doesn't work in reverse - I hate that.

2) energy - I miss having what I consider normal energy.  More than that, I'm angry about that.

3) my story - I can get help from multiple sources, but in the end, choices I make really are up to me.  This is MY story, I'm living in my body - no one else is.

4) let down - I'm really angry at the medical profession for letting me down. For not having answers soon enough, for fucking with my life - how DARE you!

5) Present - trying to make progress doesn't cancel out acknowledging where I'm at NOW. I have no idea where I'll be in 6 - or whatever number of months - but I DO know what I've lost.  I'm not just sad about it, I'm really, really angry!

6) Space for anger - Rehab always gives room for grief, but what about anger!  Anger isn't quiet, polite - it feels messy, agitated, NOISY - and it's THERE and I need to let it OUT!

7) meaning - I've said I want to improve my social life - and that's true - but what I ALSO need is meaning.  Cliche or not, my life needs to feel meaningful. Something that comes just out of me, out of the person I am.

This - my anger - isn't the feel good part of my story, but it's as real, necessary as every inch of progress. I don't think I can make ANY progress without allowing this ANGER.

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