September 9, 2021 - One decade... be present.

It’s been a decade since I got sick. I didn’t know then, that night, that my life was dramatically changed. I’ve done therapies, and they’ve...

June 17th, 2018 A more basic kind of forgiveness...

Being able to write more is a good thing, I know, and I need to put this out there - maybe I'm not alone in feeling this -

I feel just plain bad sometimes - guilty - about having limitations... to put it more basically, I feel bad that I got sick - a chronic illness kind of sick... it's hard for me to admit this to myself... if I wasn't dealing with my disorders, I wouldn't have to ask for the help I DO need to ask for.

I can't drive, my normal activity level during a day or week - though better than it used to be - is so much less than a healthy person... I feel sometimes like I'm letting others down, making demands on them a healthy me wouldn't have to... I hate having to remind others of my limitations.

I know Christina (my new therapist) always says you have to try in order to know, but sometimes - particularly when it hasn't been an ordinary day - I feel like I DO know... I know I've done enough that one more thing isn't in the cards that day.

My vestibular/visual systems have to put in extra effort, which can be tiring, even draining... I don't want to get into brain fog/sensory overload territory... I often feel like I'm trying to find a balance between remaining hopeful, but also being realistic.

I'm learning that living MY life to the fullest has a different meaning now... so I need to forgive myself not just for mistakes, but simply for getting sick... the truth is, bad things happen.  Period... I didn't deserve this, nor is it my fault - I make myself remember 2 phrases I've heard a lot lately -

1) do the best you can in this moment

2) keep going

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