Three things I know -
1 - my depression is
situational - grief of loss, feeling stuck...
2 - my anxiety is rooted in
my PTSD, from the sudden onset of my illness... when my fight or flight gets
triggered, it's scary
3 - Trying anything new can
be a trigger... so baby steps... baby steps...
Going forward -
No longer having
convergence insufficiency is good - strange to think it's gone, but good...
This opens the door to more work, hard work to further integrate my vestibular and visual
still going to be challenging, hard
work, not everything will work... gradual... and baby steps... try to challenge but not overwhelm...
Very little watching of movies, listening to audio books since my setback - sensory overload was too much... I want to get back these back in small pieces... this means
changing habits - finding when during the day this works, trying...
AND give myself credit
for what I'm trying...
AND be present... do the
best I can to find some balance between therapies, responsibilities, self-care,
and enjoyment... living...
Be present.