September 9, 2021 - One decade... be present.

It’s been a decade since I got sick. I didn’t know then, that night, that my life was dramatically changed. I’ve done therapies, and they’ve...

July 12th, 2018 Self-compassion, work/effort, and live in the present...

Sometimes when one of my therapists says "you've been working so hard" I feel a prick of self-doubt... I've told myself that I don't need to be the perfect rehab patient, but still - "have I worked hard?  Could I have done better?"

Here's what I said to myself -

"You're human, fallible... you KNOW no rehab is a straight line... ALL of your online friends have had bumps and twists and turns just like you... so have you done the best you could with what you had at the time, MOST of the time?
Yes... and here's the kicker - if you HAD had the perfect rehab experience, would you be in a different place?  maybe, but maybe not... there's no way to know... 
What you DO know is that it's not accurate to say that you definitely would be in a better place if you'd done a "better" job at rehab - whatever "better" really means... AND it's not helpful...
What IS helpful is the present moment, because that's what you know."

It's ALSO helpful for me to realize
1) how incredibly hard I can be on myself.

2) that the depression I fell into made me feel like I could NOT do better, like "what's the point?" which fed right into my Anxiety/PTSD.

Time for some self-compassion...  maybe coupled with the clarity I'm gaining, and the work I'm actually doing, I'll see how far I CAN go.
In the present, I ALSO want to enjoy what I have now... pets and all.

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