September 9, 2021 - One decade... be present.

It’s been a decade since I got sick. I didn’t know then, that night, that my life was dramatically changed. I’ve done therapies, and they’ve...

March 2nd, 2019 More progress means hard work

I realized I'm minimizing how important it is that my eyes are now converging - my negative thinking still kicks in... it's frustrating that building endurance is a process - not something I think I'd really thought about, and yet it makes sense - learning a new skill is important, but building endurance so I can pull it out of my tool bag whenever I need it is also really important.

Which brings me to anniversaries again - reviewing my situation as May approaches make sense.  But thinking "well, I've been at this for so long, isn't it enough?"  isn't what I should be asking.  I said multiple times that my journey has not been linear - kind of the opposite actually. 
So the questions to ask are-

1) what's happening now?
I'm doing well, making progress - I still hit bumps, not every day is wonderful, but overall, I'm learning, growing, changing.

2) is making more progress a reasonable possibility? Yes

3) do I want to make more progress?  this last Q may seem odd, but in my post 1-6-19 "neurological change, it IS possible" - lists some things required in order for progress to happen.

If I'm being honest with myself, I want more than I have right now - I don't think that's my PTSD anxiety being demanding, I think it's how I feel. I wrote recently about what success looks like for me, & the one piece I still don't have is regular activities "out there," meaning not at home. I don't know what's possible, but I feel like I need to try - that means more rehab, & all that that involves.

I'm incredibly fortunate that all these years in, doing more rehab is still possible for me, due to all the support I get.  I wish everyone had this, but that doesn't mean I should feel guilty that I Do have that opportunity - it DOES mean that I should make the most of it...

Take advantage of doing with my daughters, husband, etc when I can, give myself breaks - everyone needs time off from work, right? - but I need to keep going.  I have to do what works for my neurological self, but I have to do the work. I don't think I'm quite ready to accept that where I'm at is where I have to stay.

Symphony is when sympathetic and parasympathetic are integrated... 75% means not expecting 100% - perfection

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