September 9, 2021 - One decade... be present.

It’s been a decade since I got sick. I didn’t know then, that night, that my life was dramatically changed. I’ve done therapies, and they’ve...

November 4th 2016 My support system...

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As I said in my last post, it's National Caregivers Month.  I don't, thankfully, need "caregivers".  Fortunately, I am still able to care for myself in fundamental ways.  But I DO have a support system that is really important to me.

I know that Ron (my husband) and I, given our "druthers" wouldn't choose my disorders.  But it's five years out now, and we are managing.  He seldom complains, whether he always "gets it" or not.  In the helping department, this probably isn't a complete list, but he drives me to the vast majority of places I need to go, runs errands, and schleps laundry up and down stairs (it's not the weight, but rather the balancing act).  Last but not least, Ron gives me a shoulder to cry on when needed.  I'm very grateful to have him in my life.

My daughters, college students who no longer live at home full time, were here in the beginning, which was very hard.  I know it was - and still is at times - really difficult to have a mom with significant disabilities.  But I think they know I do my best, and they also seldom complain.   I listen to them, help in ways that I can, and try to share experiences with them when possible.  They each help out and do what I ask, most of the time, when they are home.  They are becoming truly good human beings, and I'm proud of them.

My parents (and Ron) are the only family members, to my knowledge, who read my blog posts.  My mom and dad are always in my corner, rooting for me.  Concerned but also trying to simply give support.  That means a lot to me.  There are, to be honest, some family members who have drifted as time has gone by.  My parents also give much appreciated financial help.

I'm very grateful for my friends.  Most of my friends are online, and the majority of my social contact is online.  There are a handful of very special people whom I've never met in person - and possibly never will - but whose friendship I value tremendously.

Of course, there's my OT Joyce and VT Ann, who are both skilled, caring individuals determined to keep helping me.  Ann actually reads my blog posts, which helps her to understand my life outside of VT.  Dr. Margolis, my Developmental Optometrist, is one of the best doctors I know.

The Vestibular Disorders Association is not a single person, but a wonderful resource and I'm grateful they exist, to help educate and spread the word about these invisible disorders.

Thank you to everyone who is part of my support system. 

If you are struggling, please reach out!  If you know someone who is having a really rough time, please encourage them to reach out!  NO one has to get through this alone.

Here's a link to VEDA -

and here's a link to the National Suicide Hotline - 

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2 Responses to November 4th 2016 My support system...

  1. You've got me also! If we don't support each other, who will? Always enjoy reading your blog, Tamar! I can't imagine trying to raise kids with this, either. Mine were grown when I became ill...I now know my dad reads mine (although he won't actually admit it), all he's said, in response to my 'When ever our loved ones don't understand'...he told me, "Don't put stuff out there', I know in reference to my brother's ugly statement...sigh...

  2. Thanks Margaret! You're definitely one of the online friends I meant....


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