Wow, what a week! I was out 6 days
in a row, including Passover Seders on Fri. & Sat., AND I did an additional
outing in the afternoon on Sat.!
I still think doing an outing on the
same day as vision therapy or Feldenkrais is too much right now, but I'm letting
myself think about things - like my 40th high school (yup, 40th) reunion in
June - that I never would have before.
Always reminding myself of what I
have control over, and what I don't, what I am responsible for, and what I'm
not... and remembering to pay attention to the little things that really aren't
little -
watching a video on YouTube I
wouldn't have before
washing not one but two pots
sometimes holding cosmos leash, even
when Ron is on a walk with me
taking taxis more, which means sometimes
taking unfamiliar routes to familiar destinations
successfully revisiting syntonics in VT
probably transitioning to an Rx with prisms in my readers
beginning to feel like PTSD isn't going to go away, but can become quieter
Doing the best I can - I get hung up
on that word "best" -
best doesn't have to be awesome,
amazing, or incredible... it's giving the best I have at that moment... if my
best at the moment is great, then that's cool, but if not, that's OK too... I'm
I don't know what I'm going to do
"when I grow up" - I'm trying to focus on now, AND on making as much
progress as possible, now that I'm finally at a place where that can happen.