I know, looking back,
how I've spent the last 8 yrs. 8 yrs from now, I don't want to look back and
say "well, congrats Tamar, you spent the last 8 yrs feeling sorry for
yourself, and angry"... nope, life's too short for that - I don't want to
get stuck in sadness, frustration, etc.... I have to do the best I can, make
the most of what I've got.
I'm not really thinking
8 years down the road right now. I'll start with one day at a time... but I'll
keep in the back of my mind that retrospective thought.
I'll listen to as much audio
material as I'm able, which gets me outside my own head, and allows me to
Make music - flute,
piano keyboard... listen to whatever comes out of me.
Listen to music -
there's SO much wonderful music out there, and I'm grateful I can still listen,
in small doses.
Draw - when the mood
stay connected - however
I'm able, with friends and family.
Write, when I have
something to say - the stats I gave above may not be accurate, maybe there are
more people out there suffering than official stats indicate.
How many out there are
looking for answers as I once was? If I can help even one or two people with
some of my writing, that's worthwhile.
Enjoy nature - I love
the colors of nature - that's why spring is my favorite season when everything
bursts to life. The picture I started this piece with, was taken by my daughter
Leena some time ago. Lovely, isn't it?
I'll take pleasure in
walks with Cosmo, and Ron, and go when possible to the Chicago botanic Garden -
I'm lucky to have that gem just a 20 minute drive away.
Share info and music on
my public Facebook page - trying to
spread awareness about invisible disorders – whether vestibular, visual, or
mental health.
I want to try to fill my
new normal with whatever purpose, meaning, contentment, joy - in bits and
pieces - is possible for me.