Something is changing for me... I've had a
month off from vision therapy (VT) but have had several conversations with Ann,
and done some things at home, and this time off gave my body time to absorb... and
who knows what else is going on, working inside my neurological self - I'm
getting glimpses of vision I don't think I ever had before... wow!
It's one thing to know intellectually/cognitively
an object is round, has depth, it's quite another to really SEE it in a palpable
way... this new vision isn't ALWAYS there, but I have a hunch it'll continue to
Exhilarating and exhausting... makes me feel
a bit off kilter at times, but I know it's a good thing... There's weight and volume, density and space
in between things that is a THING itself... really kind of amazing... how did I
not SEE this before?!